Why Should I Make a Budget?


Why Should I Make a Budget?

Hmmm.. I've heard some people saying they don't need to jot down what they needed and means they know how to spend their money and know where their money goes. Seriously, we need to keep track how our money was spent on a  monthly basis, to understand how we spend every penny we earn.

Seriously, would be surprised when doing the total all the expenses. Don't forget also to do take a total of the money spent unnecessary in a month, then multiply it by 12(months in a year) and also multiply the result by 5 to represent five years.

After doing that, you'll know that this exactly how much you would have Saved and also get interested in five years. That's why everyone needs a budget for all is spending.

So for you to enjoy financial success, you've got to caution yourself with all your small expenses and the big one.

So, the those small things do count. Cutting what you spend on lunch

from the five dollars daily to three dollars a day on a daily work day in a just five days work week saves $10 a week… $40 a month. $480 a year… $2400 in five years…including the interest.

I hope you get what I'm talking about...  it really IS the little things and

you still eat lunch daily and which is only the place the to save money in your daily living without doing without one thing you actually need.

Honestly, if you seat and think well, you'll know there are many things/places to cut expenses if you actually to. Be specific in setting your long time and short time goals There is no Wrong solution here. If it’s crucial to you, then it’s an important moment.

If you are willing to make a down payment on a house(properties), start a college fund for your kids, buy a sports car, take action to dubia.. anything… then that is your goal and get a handle on your financial situation now.

